07. Visual Connection

Some of images are chosen to be putted together for constructing a 2.5D visual connection. In order to create visual connection, all images and angles of the viewpoint need to be designed. In other words, the constructed images will affect the way how people experience the 2.5D model.

Each image demonstrate various spaces can be connected through the mediums of gap of windows, doors, and walls; the images also reflect the methods of breaking plane and contributing transparency. The reason why they connect is related to the concept of spatial experience travelling in the city. These images, as a place and event in the city, represent the fragments of people’s memory. Memories are recalled partly as each piece is similar to these images, which are constructed from the broken doors, windows, and walls in vision. These architectural elements are divided between the inside and outside space, which can also be seen as interface that connect both. The two compositive images are constructed by many different places to present the new relationship of urban landscape among them in vision.

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